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Dhaka University English Question Solution | DU Admission test english questions solved

Dhaka University English Question Solution

ব্যাখ্যাসহ ঢাবির B,C,D ইউনিটের ইংরেজি Question solution



Last Update:18/07/2020



#ঢাবির ইংরেজিতে যারা ভালো করতে চাও,, পোস্টা তাদের জন্য মন দিয়ে বার পড়া বাধ্যতামূলক।


Conditional Sentenceথেকে ঢাবিতে আসা প্রশ্ন ব্যাখ্যা সহ সমাধান


. Had l heard the meteorological forecast, I - an umbrella.(B unit-17,18)


A.Would have taken


B.would take




D.would have been taking


Explanation=Conditional Sentence "এর নিয়মানুযায়ী, "Had + sub + v3 - +Sub +Would have/could have/might have + V3 বসে।


So Ans;(A)


| Dhaka University Admission Test Question |

.I wish I - a queen.(C unit-17,18)










Clarification =Wish "এর পরে 'be action word ' হিসেবে সব সময় ' were ' বসে।


So Ans;(D)

.If l experienced realized he was in difficulty, I - helped(D unit - 16,17)




B.would have


C.should have


D.have had


Clarification :If + past immaculate "হলে,, বাকী অংশে Would have/could have/may have +V3 বসে।


So Ans:(B)


Dhaka University English Question Solution #30minuteeducation
Dhaka University B,C,D unit Question Solution #30minuteeducation

.- - surrendered,, we would have been compelled to sack him.( B unit-12,13)


A.Had he not


B.He Had


C.Has he


D.If he has not


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Eexplanation=" would have been constrained"( flawless Condition; তোমাদের কারোর মতে


"third Conditional ")থাকায় এর পূর্বের অংশ( If, Had,,Since,, বা When যুক্ত অংশ current state হবেনা।( alternative C&D ভুল)

If না থাকায় ( choice B ভুল। বাকি থাকছে choice (A)


So Ans;(A)


. Had he - anything, he would have let me know.( B unit - 12,13)










Clarification = আমরা জানি,,,Had "পর সব সময় Verb এর


Past participle from হয়।


So Ans:(A)


.If woods are annihilated,, wild creatures - their normal habitation.(B unit-07,08)




B.will have lost


C.will lose




Clarification ; If যুক্ত" Sentence " টি যেহেতু Present Indifinite tense আছে,তাই পরবর্তী অংশটি Future Indifinite Tense - হবে।


So Ans:(C)


.If there were a show today, - .(b unit-06,07)


A.I would go


B.l would be go


C.l would have gone


D.l would be going


Clarification : Conditional Sentence If যুক্ত অংশটি " past uncertain " হলে,,*পরের অংশটি হবে,Sub + would + V1( present structure).


So Ans;(A)


.If there is a will, - .(B unit-05,06)


A. there is a way


B.there must ways


C.there was no issue


D. there ought to be resolve to


Explanation:এটি একটি প্রবাদ বাক্য,,If there is a well,,there is a way" "ইচ্ছা থাকলে উপায় হয়"।আর প্রবাদ বাক্যে দুই অংশে present uncertain tense হয়।


So Ans:(A)


.If I found a sack in the road, - .(D unit,05,04)


A.l will take it to the police.


B.l would take it to the police.


C.l took it to the police.


D.l will be taking it to the police.


Clarification ;Conditional Sentence If যুক্ত অংশটিPast Indefinite tense হলে পরের অংশের গঠন হবে,,,Sub + would + V1(present structure).


So Ans;(B)


১০.If l had seen it,,I - you about it.(B unit-10,11)


A.will tell


B.had told


C.would tell


D.would have told



🚯 ১০ নং উত্তরটা কমেন্টে লিখবেন।Response না করলে এই রকম চমকপ্রদ পোস্ট পাবেন না।

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