SSC Assignment 2021 7th Week
Business Entrepreneurship English Version
সালের এস.এস.সি পরীক্ষার্থীদের ৭ম সপ্তাহের অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট
Subject: Business Entrepreneurship
Subject Code: 143 Level: SSC
Assignment Serial
Number: 5
Assignment Title:
Analyzing the Important
of Cooperative Society for Socio-Economic Development of Bangladesh
a. a. Explain the concept of
socio-economic development
Social economic development incorporates public concerns in developing social policy and economic initiatives.
It involves sustained increase in the economic standard of
living of a country’s population, normally accomplished by increasing its
stocks of physical and human capital and thus improving its technology.
Socio economic refers to the
relationship between economic activity and social life. Socio-economic
development is the improvement of GDP, quality of life, education rate and
labor level. For example, socio-economic development is one of the
factors that a person engages in in order to survive.
The concept of
cooperative society
society means joint efforts. Cooperatives in the simplest sense are the
combined efforts to achieve their own economic welfare. In the real sense, a
business organization is a group of individuals who voluntarily unite for the
sake of their own financial well-being and form a business organization under
the Cooperative Act on the basis of equal rights.
for all, say unity, self-reliance is the best recourse, etc. is its motto.
Henry Calvert said, “Cooperatives are an organization that brings together
different individuals voluntarily to defend economic interests on a cooperative
From the above discussion we get the following
idea of cooperative society:
1. Cooperative society is an organization of
low-income people;
2. Some
individuals of the same class or profession establish such organizations;
3. Its
purpose is to promote the economic welfare of its members;
And 4. Such
institutions are formed and managed under the Cooperatives Act.
conclusion, it is said that a cooperative society is a democratic organization
which is formed under the prevailing law of the country on the basis of joint
efforts and equal rights of some like-minded people belonging to the same area
for the purpose of mutual economic welfare.
c. Types of Cooperative
society is an organization of poor or low-income people. These destitute people
are involved in various activities to earn a living. So their lack is different. Various types of co-operative
societies have been formed to meet its various shortcomings.
following are the 4 types of cooperative societies that affect socio-economic
development as follows:
Purchasing Cooperative Society: A society is formed by the owners of cottage industries in
an area or similar traders of small capital to form a society for the purpose
of purchasing more of their required raw materials and other materials at the
same time.
The members
of such associations are the direct producers the advantage of purchasing
equipment at a relatively low price from a representative or wholesaler.
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